A 360 guide to Upskilling

(This post covers the factors you should consider before taking a decision to sign up for new courses, workshops and masterclasses)

More than 75% Indian employees keen to upskill themselves says Dell Technologies report.

The study of the Indian Inc, involving 750-plus HR executives, said skill-based hiring is trending, as companies are now churning out candidates based on their competencies instead of looking at his or her credentials.

Clearly, upskilling is important. Why, though?

Why do HR leaders and top managers advocate it?
Why do Business Publications and LinkedIn creators publish new articles about it every week?
How is it that every day someone has a new certificate to show?

For Employees, learning a new skill is adding to their market value both for internal shifts or when apply for a job outside their organization. New skills are even more important when you are looking to change your industry of work.

For Employers, this increasing phenomenon plays a huge impact on their talent strategies, talent management costs and their growth plans in the ever-changing global scenario and era of digital transformations.

I asked a bunch of professionals, “What is the importance of upskilling in today’s work environment?”. This bunch included professionals from investment banking, teaching, digital marketing, BFSI, CA’s as well as business owners and entrepreneurs. They cited:

  • Upskilling helps staying ahead of the curve. Learning new things keeps the brain active. New skills and gained knowledge help you think laterally.
  • With the rules and dynamics of the work environment undergoing frequent changes, new problems are emerging at the workplace. New skills help to improvise in difficult work scenarios.
  • With massive advancements in technology, growing using of AI by organization to drive their talent practices, upskilling is necessary to remain employable.
  • Upskilling is a continuous process in our organization and industry. Upskilling improves employee productivity and enables those at the bottom to come up the ladder. We also focus on reskilling our employees, which leads to job rotation, eliminates stagnation and recruit fresh talent internally.
  • Software and systems are updated regularly and if you don’t keep up, you may find it hard to progress. Upskilling is necessary to meet the organizational goals and match the job market competition.

While, everything said by these professionals and entrepreneurs is true, upskilling can be overwhelming. It can make you feel like you are not doing much while others are working really hard.

Two major issues employees are facing with upskilling:

  • Many are not sure in which are they should learn new skills
  • Many are struggling to find time to learn a new skill

This simple act of learning new skills to bridge a gap is not so simple.

There are 3 main steps to it. 1) Sign up for a course or masterclass, 2) Attend for a few hours, weeks or months 3) Receive completion certificate

But in between these three steps, there are quite a few things you should consider and questions you should ask yourself.

  • Are you doing it because an article said it’s important to?
  • Will the course be really helpful or just an addition in your resume?
  • How will you apply the leanings? 

Here’s how you should go about Upskilling

1. Assess your current skills
Don’t just jump onto the bandwagon because you saw some glaring data points or because everyone is learning something. Assess where you currently stand in your career. Different stages of your career require different skills. Do you have the necessary skills to meet the current job requirements? Learning which new skill or topic can help you better your performance. For instance, when the pandemic first hit us, the education industry saw a 360-degree digitization. Online learning replaced classroom teaching. Many teachers had to learn about video conferencing technologies.  Upskill based on your needs and not just trends.

2. Get a Coach
Many employees are confused about how they should upskill? Which course to sign up for? Is it necessary now or can it be done later? Talking to a coach will help you find answers to these questions.  A coach will ask you thought provoking questions which will give you new perspectives and new ideas. Coaching conversations lead to clarity, motivation as well as new discoveries. Working with a coach may also help you sort out lack of time issues.  I am currently running one such program and would be happy to have a conversation with you. Sign up for a free session here: https://bit.ly/coach100Project

3. For a career or industry change you need to think about reskilling
While upskilling is learning new skills to perform a job better, reskilling means learning new skills to perform a new or a different job. For a digital marketing professional, moving from agency to brand side will require both upskilling and reskilling. Also, with rapid development in technology and automation, many profiles may not exist in the future. Skill obsolescence is a real thing. Companies are also starting to launch Individual and Career development plans for their employees. A report by Monster.com says, 40% of Indian employees will need reskilling in the next 5 years.

4. Think about your future career goals
1 year from now, are you looking for a promotion (Salary and Designation)? Do you want to shift to a related but new department within your existing organization? Which skills will add value to the new job you want to apply for? Do you have the necessary skills to get a job in your dream company? Is a complete career change on your mind? Finding answers to the relevant career goal question, will help you decide where and when you should upskill.

5. Development of Soft Skills
Having written close to 125 resumes professionally, I can say with certainty that soft skills are just as important as your hard skills if not more. As per LinkedIn’s September report, soft skills were featured in 78% of jobs posted globally over the last three months.” Soft Skills refer to empathy. Leadership, communication, problem-solving, interpersonal skills etc. These skill sets are transferable and stay with you throughout your career. Again, from LinkedIn, “Hard skills can help you get a recruiter’s attention, but soft skills can help you land the job.” Therefore, it is essential that you don’t just mention these soft skills as keywords on your resume but can also validate them during the interview.

6. Find your motivation
While some people are just curious to learn, some of us need that extra push. Some of us understand the importance of upskilling to stay relevant and for some of us that is not reason enough. Some of us are just lazy. New job, promotion, gaining knowledge, addressing issues from a different lens, earning more money, whatever it may be, finding your motivation can be the positive push that will help you upskill in the right direction.  

Let me know if the above was helpful.

If you find yourself stuck, hiring a coach or a mentor, might help you take the next step.


4 Ways of increasing Self- Awareness

The difference between being a victim of the circumstances and being victorious is knowing yourself better.

If you had to introduce yourself right now, what would you say? 

Take 2 mins, think about it. What did you come up with?

“Hi, my name is…. I work as a team lead in xyz…. Work generally keeps me busy Mon-Fri..On weekends I like to chill and sleep.”

Or maybe, “Hey, my name is…. I am a digital marketer, working for 10 years now. 

I have always faced this problem. I use the same 3-4 basic pointers, no matter where I have to introduce myself. Dating Apps, Office Introductions, Team Meets, New Friends, Gym Class or even during online seminars.

We don’t know much about ourselves. So, when someone asks us about our values, beliefs, emotions etc we have no answers. And that is the prime reason we face sadness, discontentment, anxiety, confusion, doubt and lack of confidence. It’s also why we blame ourselves when something bad happens and start behaving like a victim.

“Why does this always happen to me? What can I do about this? It’s pointless, there’s not much I can do.”

Those who are confident know all about their strengths and weakness. They know how to turnaround the situation and move forward.

Q. So, what is this Self Awareness?
A. It has two parts to it.

First one is Internal Self Awareness. It means getting in touch with your emotions and thoughts and aspirations.


  1. Knowing that you need change your field of work because you’d rather have peaceful sleep with lesser salary than high salary with high stress.
  2. Knowing that you need to take a bath at the end of the night in order to be present with your family the next day.
  3. It is knowing your own strengths and weaknesses.
  4. It is being able to control temptation.

The 2nd part is External Self Awareness, which means knowing how your behaviour impacts those around you. External self-awareness is understanding how others see us because of our actions.


  1. Your action of showing up late disturbs your team’s entire schedule.
  2. You checking your emails on a holiday, spoils the vacation for your family
  3. Your tone affects the person on the other side of the call.

This sense of personal awareness is the key for any individual to act powerfully and take tough decisions. Self-awareness empowers individuals to tap into knowledge about themselves and make necessary changes when needed. Those who are not aware of what they are feeling, find themselves stuck in a rut.

Here are 4 ways you can try to increase levels of Self Awareness:

1. Write one paragraph introducing yourselves without using mentioning work history and qualifications.

2. In difficult situations, ask yourself What instead of Why?

– What can I do to feel better? Instead of
– Why do I feel like this?

– What can I do to improve this scenario? Instead of
– Why did this happen to me?

– What can I do to move forward? Instead of
– Why am I stuck here?

3. Pick out 5 people from 5 different groups of people. 1 BFF, 1 Sibling, 1 Junior and 1 Senior and 1 acquaintance you know from some activity/class you have taken. Ask them to give you feedback and list what your qualities are.

4. Hire a Coach as they can assist you to get in touch with internal information and then make necessary changes to support you in becoming a better version of you.

A powerful exercise to crush Self- Doubt

It’s all about focusing on your positives!

As an ex digital marketer, current Empowerment Coach, and a member of a community called Albinism India Group, I have spoken to lots of people, who have cited Self- Doubt as a reason for not being happy and feeling demotivated.

People from all walks of life; juniors, seniors, freelancers, start-up guys, marketing professionals, investment bankers, those praised for their beauty, those who look different, successful or not have had to deal with self-doubt at some point.

Even global leaders, sportsmen, athletes, politicians, celebrities, internet influencers are not spared of this feeling. 

EVERYONE feels it. You are not alone.

How then do some of them get past it and achieve what they want? How do celebrities perform on the world stage without fear?

How did India’s Neeraj Chopra win the first-ever Olympic Gold medal for his country in Track and Field?

1. They replace Self-Doubt with Strengths and Qualities

When was the last time you thought about your strengths and positive qualities? 

Those who leave self-Doubt behind will answer, every day. 

Most of us will not know what to say, because we do not discuss our strengths at all.

Our conversations with friends and colleagues are about

– Our negatives
– What We Lack in
– Our Weakness
– Reasons why things went wrong
– Reasons why things will not work out
– Our Failures
– What if, I can’t do this

Negatives are a daily part of our conversations but our qualities and strengths aren’t.  Think about this, if you keep talking about the negatives, where is the room for anything else? 

2. They do not seek external validation

“I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within. It is there all the time.”

Think about the Indian men’s hockey team who won an Olympic medal after 41 years and the women’s team who made it to the semi-finals of Tokyo 2020 for the first time ever. They did not seek validation from others. They believed in their skills, their talents and achieved the results.

Most of us give up because our colleagues think it’s a bad idea or our parents don’t understand us. We need the constant approval of our friends and family to pursue our dreams. Their belief becomes more important to us.

We tend to focus on the flaws. But never do we pat ourselves for coming up with the idea, giving a great presentation or standing up to the client, or coming up with a last-minute solution. 

Ergo, Self- Doubt.

3. They celebrate themselves

One tiny step back, one small hiccup, and we immediately start spiraling but very rarely do we celebrate ourselves. This constant behaviour of being too harsh on ourselves leads to self-doubt. We keep reminding ourselves of the times we failed and faltered but talking about our wins, especially the small ones just doesn’t come naturally.

So many of us brush it off saying no big deal, but IT IS. It is a big deal when you cook perfect pasta or manage to lose 500 gms in a week. Make it a big deal when you confidently say a No or when you learn a new language. Celebrate your wins. It’s the nicest and the most rewarding way to beat self-doubt.

It’s a gradual process but applying the above 3 techniques will go a long way in beating the dreaded Self- Doubt.

Here’s a simple but effective exercise that will help you get rid of Self -Doubt.

Start Now, fill in the answer to these 4 headings and you will definitely feel good about yourself.

Note: You may find it tough because we are not used to listing our positives but think hard. Force yourself to finish it. Ask friends and colleagues if you have to. Take your time but set a deadline for yourself and do this.

My top 5 Strengths/ Qualities that do need any validation from outsiders:
(Think of inherent traits, characteristics, something you are naturally good at)


5 wins (big/small) from the last 2 months that I would like to celebrate:


(Now that you have listed them, go ahead and celebrate. Reward yourself with your favourite ice-cream flavour, buy a new dress or something that’s been waiting in your cart for a long time. In any way that will make you feel good- reward yourself.)

Top 5 Skills I am good at:
(Things you have become good at after learning and practicing. You could also be naturally good at it.)


5 things I love about myself:


Note what you feel about yourself after completing the exercise. You will find yourself reflecting back on how you have accomplished so much in life. How you overcame obstacles and displayed great strength. You will value yourself more.

Do this more than once if you need to. Keep going back to the answers. Make practicing the 3
principles a regular habit.

Self- Doubt will take a back seat in your life.

Originally published in: A powerful exercise to crush Self- Doubt (thriveglobal.com)


Dictionary Says,
That which,
Divides attention,
Prevents concentration.
But when a best
friend calls,
In the middle of a work day
It’s a happy sort of distraction.
When someone invites you for an impromptu dinner,
It creates tiny ripples of excitement!
Mid Monday afternoon if you decide to paint a picture,
You are telling your heart it’s okay to enjoy!
When you randomly scroll the feed,
To find a new recipe,
The distraction become delicious.
When someone messages 
To ask for your opinion
It’s a satisfying interruption.
An unexpected delivery
on a busy day,
Can be a tub of
Strawberry ice-cream.
When an acquaintance,
Or even a stranger,
Approaches you with,
Something you’ve never done before,
The distraction can become,
An opportunity to grow.
Some distractions are good!
Some distractions are,
happiness in disguise!

Fight your own fight

Nah, no one gets it.
Nah, no one can get it.
Be it closest of friends,
Or your own folks.

They can sympathize,
Maybe, at times, empathize.
But it is you,
Who is going through shit
It is you, 
whose peace of mind is taking a hit.

They will listen to you rant,
And forget about it next moment.
They can not tell you what to do,
Cause they don’t really know what’s bothering you.

They’ll share positive messages
Or give advice to take a break
Or tell you it’s not the right time.
Everyone is going through the same.

It is you who is tired and fed up
It is you, whose energy is used up
It is your mind that is fatigued,  
It is your heart that needs to be freed.

My Hearts Song

Source: Unsplash

I have been lonely for so long.
Waiting for someone to come along. Someone to love me unconditionally      With whom I can be sensitive and silly

When I close my eyes, I can picture us Dancing in the rain, fighting for the window seat on the bus 
Talking for hours by the sea shore
With you I always want some more

So show up soon, for the time is ticking
Am losing hope, the door to my heart is closing

I have been thinking about you for so long Asking the question, will I ever belong?Spending nights alone is sometimes scary
I am kinda getting use to the dreary.

Living through life alone, is now a habit
I dream, I wish, I could change it.
To be loved, is all I want, is all I ever wanted Thoughts of emptiness, makes me feel haunted. 

So show up soon, for the time is tickingAm losing hope, the door to my heart is closi


Their water makes my feet happy

And their sound is my favourite music

 The salty yet cool splashes, 

make my skin feel amazing.

In them I am playful

I jump around carefree

With them my heart is free

To talk and to breathe in silence

They bring me closer to the real me

They make the horizon more beautiful

At any time of the day

With them my mind wanders

In infinite imagination

With them I am in my happy place.



Some days
I am physically exhausted
Some days
I feel mental fatigue
Neither one, however
Puts me to a good night’s sleep.

I like,
Starting into the tubelight.
Darkness of the night
Opens the doorway for demons.
Lights let me control my thoughts

I try to think of happy things
Chant a prayer
The clock now chimes 3
I even try thoughts
That are heavy, sad and negative
Only in the hope of getting more tired
And getting some sleep
But it evades me

The light comes on and off
By now my eyes are droopy
My yawns are big and wide
Very wide
Still no sleep

The clock now chimes 4
Eventually, I think
The fatigue overpowers the thoughts
Almost hypnotizing them.
and I get some shut eye.

Morning comes
And I wake up feeling heavy
Not remembering my last thoughts
Drowsy and dull
Like, I haven’t slept at all.

The haunting sound of SIN in single

The other day I was travelling back home and randomly this phrase popped up in my head. The timing was sudden but the emotion did not feel sudden. It felt as if the chemical was bubbling and brewing and as soon as it took shape, it sprung out. “Sin in Single.”

And along with it jumped out all the pain that is hidden in it.

The helplessness of having to share a room with folks or the discomfort of sleeping on an extra bed gets hidden under the blanket of forced smiles and adjustments.

After a certain age if you are single, the society makes sure that you never forget about it. I was sub consciously aware that everyone looks at single people (especially those in their 30s) with judgy eyes but only recently did I realise that the crime lies in the word itself — SINgle.

In India, 24–25 is considered the apt age to get married. (Even the advanced AI and Alexa are not smart enough to uproot aegis old customs). So in our society, 30s comes a little early — say by 27–28 and if you are a girl, the situation doesn’t get any easier.

It starts with friends and siblings within the circle getting married. We dance and gorge happily, crushing the sad heavy feeling of being the only person in the single’s list under our high heels. We ignore it. But gradually it begins to surface, when for a dinner with friends you are the only single person, while everyone has stories about their married life.

And because we are nearing 30s or in early 30s, making an effort to meet/date new people becomes very tedious. We don’t know how to make friends anymore. Existing friends get busy in doing what married people do and the dinners become far and few.

At home too, priorities of married siblings are far more important. Their schedules, their problems, their convinience, their family issues get precedence over ours. On many a occasions, our issues go unnoticed. With time we get use to it. The icing on the cake is when the younger cousin in the family gets hitched. Now the look in the eyes of the relatives and society is that of pity. The generation that has no clue about online dating asks us to go online and find someone, like it can be done with a click of a mouse.

Some single people are strong. They find happiness in their work or hobbies. Some are brave enough to move out from their parents house and live by themselves. Some start something of their own. There is also a bunch who embrace solitude as a way of life. But this narrative of self love and independence is not meant for everyone.

A lot of us just get lonely. We don’t know how to deal with this situation. We are forced to spend a lot of time with ourselves and it’s not always enjoyable. Spending weekends alone becomes a normal thing. It’s most painful when we have to be alone during festivals — the very essence of which is togetherness. There is no one to create new memories with and vacations is not always a solution.

Over time we become kinda irritable and just don’t feel like trying anything new.

By now close friends and siblings have had kids and their life keeps getting busier by the day. They have million things on their mind, and while all of those are very important to them, we singles don’t always fancy married couple discussions. They understandbly don’t have as much time as before but waiting for them drains us out.

We are expected to understand everyone’s schedule and priorities but our loneliness is seen by none and that’s what hurts. We are made to believe and think that not having a partner is our fault. We are given constant advice about how we should be happy. If only it was that easy.

This isn’t a rant or complaint against everyone who is married, it’s a piece of a single person’s life and heart, who battles and walks alone everyday.

Here’s hoping there is company on the other side of this phase for every single person 🙂