
Dictionary Says,
That which,
Divides attention,
Prevents concentration.
But when a best
friend calls,
In the middle of a work day
It’s a happy sort of distraction.
When someone invites you for an impromptu dinner,
It creates tiny ripples of excitement!
Mid Monday afternoon if you decide to paint a picture,
You are telling your heart it’s okay to enjoy!
When you randomly scroll the feed,
To find a new recipe,
The distraction become delicious.
When someone messages 
To ask for your opinion
It’s a satisfying interruption.
An unexpected delivery
on a busy day,
Can be a tub of
Strawberry ice-cream.
When an acquaintance,
Or even a stranger,
Approaches you with,
Something you’ve never done before,
The distraction can become,
An opportunity to grow.
Some distractions are good!
Some distractions are,
happiness in disguise!

Fight your own fight

Nah, no one gets it.
Nah, no one can get it.
Be it closest of friends,
Or your own folks.

They can sympathize,
Maybe, at times, empathize.
But it is you,
Who is going through shit
It is you, 
whose peace of mind is taking a hit.

They will listen to you rant,
And forget about it next moment.
They can not tell you what to do,
Cause they don’t really know what’s bothering you.

They’ll share positive messages
Or give advice to take a break
Or tell you it’s not the right time.
Everyone is going through the same.

It is you who is tired and fed up
It is you, whose energy is used up
It is your mind that is fatigued,  
It is your heart that needs to be freed.

The Mood Swing

My mood is in a rhythmic beat

2 steps to the try and be happy;
2 steps to the dull and grumpy.
Stuck In the middle of two moods,
Right right left right,
Left left right left.
Back to the center
My mind is confused
Lost in various thoughts
It wants me to try new things
New exercises, new routines
New paths, new moods even.
But my heart is scared,
It’s beating alright, but
beating because it has to.
Like we go to office
Because we have to
Compulsion not choice.
But moods change
And I want to experience the range
It’s a matter of changing the heart.
Make the heart and the mind talk
2 steps forward in a rhythmic walk
Move to the music, sync and rock.