The Mood Swing

My mood is in a rhythmic beat

2 steps to the try and be happy;
2 steps to the dull and grumpy.
Stuck In the middle of two moods,
Right right left right,
Left left right left.
Back to the center
My mind is confused
Lost in various thoughts
It wants me to try new things
New exercises, new routines
New paths, new moods even.
But my heart is scared,
It’s beating alright, but
beating because it has to.
Like we go to office
Because we have to
Compulsion not choice.
But moods change
And I want to experience the range
It’s a matter of changing the heart.
Make the heart and the mind talk
2 steps forward in a rhythmic walk
Move to the music, sync and rock.

Say Yes!


Be my beer bottle, will you?
Let me drown, in your
bitter, sweet, sour soul
and come up to the surface
Happy and light hearted.

Be my cheese cake, will you?
Let me dive, in your
soft, cozy, fluffy heart
and look up feeling like
everything will be okay

Be my bean bag, will you?
and wrap me in your,
warm, comfortable texture
Hold me there, hold me long
For you are the best feeling in the world

Be my soft pillow, will you?
Let me confide, in your
deep, mushy, absorbent skin
and weep tears of sad and joy
For you store my vulnerability in a safe place.

Be my special person, will you?
and hang with me forever,
so that I can breathe to live
and give you an infinite supply of tlc
For without you, I will cease to exist.

What Love Feels Like

Love is in the air
With you my sweetheart
I wish to share
These moments of ecstasy & frenzy

Your dreams are mine
Amd I wish for mine to be yours
To live them and see them fulfill
With each others eyes.

Travel this beautiful world around
With you hand in hand held
I wish to be your wings
For you to fly as high as you can.

Give you all the pleasures
Pamper you n care for like none has
You complete my life dear
I belong to you till my last breath
Promise to be there always
For one look of that innocent sweet smile
I simply die.

The girl who is loved by all…..

With a benevolent and easy to get along with nature, she is liked by everyone.
An absolute sweetheart, she loves being in the company of people,discovering new ways to have fun.
With yes as an answer for almost everything others ask, she is the most adjusting one.
Like everyone she also gets discouraged by down turns but to show others a ray of hope is her forte.
Gradually she even learned to find a silver lining for herself and pave a way.
She finds comfort and contentment in knowing that people around her are happy and gay.
Donning up like a pretty damsel is not something she pays attention to, though she manages to turn a few heads her way.
She s never the centre of attraction or never the one to be spoken about but all come to her to share their problems and she listens all day.
A midst all the goodness in her life there’s just one minor fault.
In spite of her earnest efforts she s alone more often than not.