That’s so weird!!!

wowbadge ’5..4..3..2..1..’ , the principal yelled after storming into the classroom of standard X-C. Well these numbers are not a part of any countdown or any secret code( if they were I would not be disclosing them on a public blog), and nor was the principal Miss Helena, a crazy women to scream out the first 5 numbers just like that.

She was calling out the 5 most notorious students she had encountered in her entire career.  Sanya, Rinku, Raghav, Aditya and Farhan got up from there chairs and everybody else in the room were immediately whispering  how deeply dug their trouble grave would be this time.

Still not clear what  connect  these numbers have with these students, then read on to understand. These 5 students had named their gang  ’5..4..3..2..1..’ .  They did this because in the 7th Std in a maths class test they scored these marks out of 10.  The professor announced their marks and names in the middle of the entire class and since then they called themselves  ’5..4..3..2..1..’ 

Interesting and weird, Isn’t it?

Well the principal marched them out of the classroom and took all 5 of them to her office.  Within half an hour she assembled the entire school in the ground. After the commotion settled down she called  ’5..4..3..2..1..’  in the front.

“Once again these 5 have taken me by surprise.  This time they have outdone all their past actions and I do not know how to react or what to say.” , she  announced . Teachers and students were looking at each other with worried and surprised expressions.Miss Helena walked past all 5 of them and said” this time they sneaked into my office and removed a print from my personal laptop. They have typed a letter  and i shall read that loud now.”

“Dear and Respected Miss Helena,

We are extremely sorry for all the trouble we have caused over the past 4 years and ask for your forgiveness. Before we go out of the school we want to tell you one thing , you have taught us a lot of important lessons that we will always remember Please forgive us as we promise to use your advice in the future to ensure we do mischief without falling into trouble. Sincerely and truthfully sorry from the bottom of our hearts                                                                                                         ’5..4..3..2..1..’ “

Everybody in the audience broke into a huge laughter and applauded the members of the gang  ’5..4..3..2..1..’ The principal, Miss Helena forgave them and showered them with blessings and some wise words.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


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